Innocent and Twisted Alchemy is an indie makeup company run by a woman named Linda. The company also offers a monthly subscription service called the alchemists box. The payment is recurring and done through Paypal.
The box is 12$ shipped for the deluxe sample option, and 21$ shipped for the full-size option. This includes 3 custom made deluxe-sample/full-size eyeshadows with handmade labels exclusive to the box, at least two bonus samples from different indie companies, a card explaining this month's theme and providing information on the products in the box, and a 30% of coupon code for the store.
I'm going to be honest, the past few months have felt a little lacking for me with this subscription, but this month and the sneak peak for next month might have just changed my mind.
I was pretty excited for this month when I saw the sneak peak of the label art and it instantly stole my heart. The packaging and samples are also once again in line with what made me fall in love with this subscription in the first place.
This month's art was done by Betsy

I have never tried products from any of these brands, though I hear a lot about Kae Q's besos and have been pondering ordering from Kiss My Sass for quite some time.
Shortcake Fantasy, Steeping Petals, Tea and Scones |
The colors are really neutral this month, which fits with the theme but is a little bit of a bummer when you are trying to massively pare down your makeup collection.
Swatches are done with an elf eye shadow brush. Left to right: wet application, over elf eyelid primer, on bare skin.
All of this month's shadows really benefit from a primer.
I love metallic baby pinks, I own too many of them though, and so this one is going to have to go. However, this shadow definitely did the best without primer.
Finally, Tea and Scones is a taupe base with a blue looking glitter.
This is Rainbow Bit from Chirp Cosmetics. It is a little bit opalescent, but mostly it is just a metallic white shadow.
Apparently, it was custom made for this month's box according to the information card.
It is a lavender base with a blue shift, and it is getting passed on to a friend of mine who will love it more than I can. Also, another color made specifically for this months alchemists box.
Kiss My Sass Lip Tint in Circus Treat.
This feels like a tinted balm and goes on super sheer. The scent is absolutely heavenly, it reminds me of those super fake smelling creamsicles my school used to sell on popcorn and icecream day every Friday. It is even colored like an orange creamsicle. Ultimately, I'm passing this on, but only because I'm moving and need to keep my makeup collection to a minimum.
This is a besito from Kae Q cosmetics. The formula is super creamy with the coverage of a quality tinted lip balm, but it feels like a lipstick when you wear it. Personally, I'm not a fan of this product, but I know a lot of people love Kae Q's besos.
The camera was not agreeing with me today, but here is both a lip and hand swatch of the beso sample in Mamey from Kae Q.
As usual the cost for this box (and what I paid for it) is 12$ with shipping. The value of this box is calculated using only the cost of the products, not including shipping from any of the stores themselves, the additional packaging, the colors made specifically for i+ta
Kiss My Sass Lip Tint- 2$
Kae Q Besito- 2$
Deluxe Sample i+ta Shadows- 3$ (x3= 9$)
Chirp Cosmetics Shadow Sample- 1$
Wonderland Beauty Cosmetics Shadow Sample- 1.30$
Total Value= 15.30$, which is still more than what I paid for the box, not including all the other aforementioned considerations about the value which probably should be taken into consideration but is difficult to quantify into a dollar amount.